I am a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Experimental and Cognitive Psychology at the University of Bath and an Honorary Senior Researcher at University College London. My main interest is in understanding how we combine multisensory cues (e.g., vision, audition and touch) throughout the lifespan (e.g., from childhood to adulthood) and how this process is affected by experience, expertise, sensory deprivation, and developmental disorders. My interest in multisensory research expands to social cognition and emotion, and I use a combination of methods and techniques (e.g., psychophysics, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, virtual reality) to study the underlying brain mechanisms. Another main focus of my research concern how music practice and experience can shape our behaviour and brain functions/structure and how music can be used as a viable and effective intervention. Finally, other areas of interest include spatial cognition and navigation and assistive technologies.